Sunday, June 11, 2006

Making Eye Contact

One of the most important ways you can connect with another person is to make eye contact with them. How often do we just look at a person without really meeting their eyes for an extended period? Nothing says, “I’m listening,” “I respect you,” “I care,” “You are important to me” like making eye contact. It’s been said that to improve a marital relationship couples should maintain eye contact for 20 seconds a day. If so little time will improve the relationship with a spouse, what might it do for our children? It is a small act that costs us nothing and yet is invaluable in building self-esteem in our children. I challenge you to make a conscious effort to maintain eye contact with everyone you converse with. May God especially help us all to look into our children’s eyes everyday.

Friday, June 09, 2006

Expecting the Best

People tend to live up to our expectations - either positively or negatively. If you expect someone to fail they probably will. This is especially true when it comes to our children. We can get into a rut that anticipates failure without being conscious of it. If you want your child to succeed, anticipate and expect success. Then communicate that (verbally and non-verbally) to your child. Let them know you believe in them and trust them. Tell them often! See how many ways you can tell them. Make a commitment to praise your child ten times today.

Friday, June 02, 2006


The purpose of this blog is to provide an avenue for dialog regarding life issues. Although I am a therapist, this is not a therapeutic interaction per say. My hope is to encourage and enable a positive perspective among those who desire dialog. I truly believe that the best is yet to come and our future is bright. By “our” I mean those of us who trust in the living God through Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.